Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Trent's Journal...

January 19, 2009
As I have said before, I am doing a horrible job keeping up this journal for you.
I really have to write about the great Christmas you had, but I will save that for another day. Today, I want to write about Great Lois.
My Grandpa Roger, which would be your Great Grandpa Roger and Grandpa Wayne's Dad married Lois in 2000 after his wife Eleanor (my Grandma) passed away in August of 1998. They met while square dancing. Lois has 5 children and a lot of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
When your Dad and I moved back from Connecticut we got to see Great Grandpa Roger and Lois more often and you could tell how happy they made eachother. Lois brought life to Great Grandpa Roger and made him feel 10 years younger. They square danced, entertained and traveled a lot. Lois kept Great Grandpa Roger busy with all her projects and Great Grandpa Roger was always happy to have a new project.
When you were born Lois made you a special blanket that you are still using it today. She was always thoughtful in her gifts for everyone. She loved hearing about you and thought you were such a special boy.
One story that we like to tell is how Lois got the name Great Lois. One day you were trying to figure out how everyone was related. Like who my Mom's Mom was and who my Dad's Dad was and so forth. You had asked who Grandpa Roger was and I had said he is your Great Grandpa Roger and you said so that makes Lois my Great Lois. We laughed and thought how perfect that title was for her...Great Lois.
In July of 2008, Great Lois started having some memory issues and it was discovered that she had a tumor bridging the two halves of her brain. They immediately started radiation and then chemotherapy. It was a very aggressive cancer and soon there wasn't anymore treatments the doctors could do.
We went to see Great Lois in October. I am not sure if she remembered us, but she acted like she did and in her typical Great Lois fashion made us feel at home. We spent the day with her, Great Grandpa Roger and some of her family. She was so calm and at peace. She watched you play and just enjoyed the moments. That's how Great Lois was, she enjoyed life and was at peace with what God had dealt her. She wasn't angry that the cancer was taking over her mind and body. She was at peace and was going to enjoy every last moment she had on earth. We had a great day with her.
We saw Great Lois again in the Bakersfield Hospital and that was the last time we would see her. She had become paralyzed on her right side, except for her face. So, she could still speak and, of course, still smile. I do not think she knew who we were, but she was happy we were there whoever we were. You were confused about why she was in the hospital, but you made her laugh and that's all that mattered.
Great Lois passed away peacefully on January 8, 2009. Just six months after discovering the cancer. So quickly and all too soon. My writing cannot express what a wonderful woman she was and how happy I am that she was in my Grandpa's life for nine years. She brought a sparkle to his life. Great Lois was a caring woman and I can honestly say every time I saw her she was happy and just enjoyed life. Great Lois certainly did not deserve this illness and she still had so many years to live. I know God has a bigger plan for her, but I just wish she weren't gone, but I know she will always be in our hearts.
I am so lucky, we are so lucky to have known Great Lois. She brought so much to our lives by making Great Grandpa Roger's life so good. She will certainly be missed, but definitely not forgotten. Great Lois will always be remembered for her smile and all the love and happiness she gave others. I hope I can be half the woman she was and I look forward to meeting her again in heaven.
On Sunday in church I was following along with the text word and I glanced over and saw this. Proverbs 4:6 "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you." I know that Great Lois is watching over and still loving us.
Great Grandpa Roger and Great Lois holding Trent on Christmas Day 2005
Great Grandparents Bennett, Great Grandpa Roger and Great Lois at Trent's 1st Birthday Party.
Celebrating Great Grandpa Roger's 79th Birthday
Great Lois holding cousin Jake at Trent's 3rd Birthday Party
Great Lois and Great Grandpa Roger

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