Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where does the time go?

In January of 2006, Trent was 16 ½ months old and it was time he started at his Grandma’s preschool. I remember that first day as if it were yesterday. I opened the room to the Tigger’s class and he walked right in and started playing. Of course, like the paparazzi I am I had my camera in hand and starting taking some pictures of Trent exploring the 1 year old room. My friend Shawna worked at the preschool at the time and was working in the Tigger class, so I knew and trusted that Trent was in good hands. And, of course, Grandma was there, so everything would go just fine. I kissed Trent good bye and went off to work. I returned a few hours later and he was still as happy as can be. At the time, Trent only went to preschool two days a week for a few hours. My Dad watched Trent for a few hours the other two days and then we had our day on Friday. We had a great schedule for a few years.
In the summer of 2006, Trent moved into the Chipmunks class and fit right in. Potty training was introduced after he turned 2. He wasn’t so interested in it at first, but as time went on and with a lot of work from me and Teacher Alma Trent was potty trained in April of 2007.
Since Trent has an August birthday he moves up a class each summer. He moved into the Penguin class in the summer of 2007 when he was 3. Teacher Deanna was thrilled to have him in her class. The Penguin class had an art project each day along with some academics. They are preparing the kids for the 4 year old Teddy Bear class where they do a lot of academics and the real work begins. Trent loved doing gymnastics on Fridays and he also started computer classes, which were a lot of fun. While Trent was in the Penguin class he was now going to school 3 days a week for a few more hours. I would usually drop him off around 9am and pick him between 1-2pm. He wasn’t much of a napper at school, so I would bring him home to nap.
Summer 2008 came and Trent moved into the Teddy Bear class. When September came around it was suggested to me that Trent start going five days a week to school. That was going to be a big adjustment for me, Trent and my Dad. My Dad loved having Trent those few hours a week. I knew it had to be done, but it was hard at first. I loved my Dad watching Trent and I loved having our Fridays to do fun things. Our Disneyland trips were becoming less and less frequent. Trent has always loved going to school, so the change didn’t even faze him. The academics starting to pick up and Trent was doing well. He was now writing his name, simple words, the alphabet, and numbers. He was also reading sight words. It truly is amazing how much they can learn in one year. Alma, Suzanne and Jeremiah were great teachers and Trent loved being in the Teddy Bear class.
The time finally came in the summer of 2009, when Trent was moved into the Kindergarten class with Teacher Nancy. I won’t lie, I was a little nervous about how the academics were going to be with Teacher Nancy. Trent and 14 other kids started Kindergarten in September. I committed to volunteering every morning with the reading. We started the reading books on the first day, in typical Teacher Nancy style we jumped right in. I enjoyed my time with the kids and loved getting to know Trent’s classmates. Trent excelled in reading and by the end of the school year is reading at the 2nd grade level. He can pick up a book now and start reading it. It is pretty amazing! Trent also did well in Chinese and really has an ear for the language. He also enjoyed math, but has to remember to slow down and count his fingers. A few years ago, Cindy started the Science Program where twice a month the kids get a lesson in science. Trent looks forward to those science days and he tells me and Tim that he wants to be a scientist. Trent is in his last two days of Kindergarten. He graduates on Friday and his class is putting on the Cinderella play where Trent will be the King. This year of Kindergarten has gone by so fast. I can’t believe in September, he will be starting 1st grade at his new school. As I am writing this I am tearing up. It is hitting me that he is getting older and the time just goes by so quickly. I will miss knowing that Trent will be well taken care of at his Grandma’s school. I know he will be just fine at his new school, but there is something to your son going to his Grandma’s school. You feel a great sense of security and we are truly grateful for all that Cindy has done for Trent in his years at her school. He has received a wonderful education and the nurturing by his teachers and Grandma has helped shape him into the wonderful boy he is today.
For me it’s a bittersweet time. I am so proud of Trent and can’t wait to see what his new school has in store for him. I know he fit right in and do well. On the other hand, I wish I could just keep him in a safe little cocoon at Grandma’s school. Again, I am grateful for Trent’s 4 years at Grandma’s school and I know we will miss going there each day.
Trent on his first day of school in the Tigger class.
Trent on his first day of Kindergarten.

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