Monday, June 21, 2010

For the Love of Star Wars

I can’t pinpoint the exact date when Trent’s love for Star Wars started, but it was when he was 4 years old. He has always loved to play with action figures, whether it is Power Rangers, Transformers, Batman, Pirates, or Disney characters, pretty much anything. He loves to play and use his imagination. He can play in the sun room for hours and be content. Trent has so many toys and I can honestly say that he loves and plays with all his toys. One week it may be Star Wars, the next week it could be Transformers.
Once the interest in Star Wars began, he then slowly stated accumulating Star Wars toys here and there. When his 5th birthday and Christmas came around he was showered with Star Wars toys. He got the Captain Rex helmet, light sabers, a blaster, Star wars legos, X-Wing Fighter Plane, more fighter planes, and A LOT of figurines. Trent also got the Star Wars Trilogy. As most people know, Star Wars was filmed out of order. My generation saw episodes 4, 5 and 6 and then years later episodes 1, 2 and 3 came out. Well, if you know Trent, then you know there would be no way that he would listen to reason and watch the episodes in the order they came out. So, Uncle Jeff and Auntie got Trent episodes 1, 2 and 3. A few weeks later, I got him episodes 4, 5 and 6. Trent loved the episodes right from the beginning. He has seen each episode at least 10-15 times. He now watches them out of order, recites many many lines and can tell you which episode specific fight scenes happen in. It’s pretty crazy. He has a memory like Tim, which is a good thing.
This past weekend, Connor had a Star Wars themed birthday party and had a special appearance by Captain Rex from Star Wars. Trent was talking about this party for a week. He couldn’t wait to see Captain Rex. When Captain Rex walked into the party, Trent’s smile was so big. For an hour, Trent was enthralled with Captain Rex and listened to every command he made. It was a fun party and Trent will remember it for years to come.
I was never a big Star Wars fan, I don’t think I have seen an episode all the way through. Even though Star Wars isn’t my thing, I love that it’s Trent and he has such a love for it.
Captain Rex

Shooting the Blaster
Trent showing off his cool tattoo.

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