Monday, June 28, 2010

A New Start

Today, Trent had his first day at his new school. We thought it would be a good idea to get Trent acclimated to his new school by taking summer school. He is taking four weeks of summer school, which has started off great. This week he is taking Reading and Music; fun classes to meet new friends. We arrived at school to get Trent checked in and immediately we looked around to see any familiar faces. We quickly found RJ, who has been in Trent’s class for a few years. It was so nice to see RJ and his Mom. RJ and Trent quickly started playing and when the bell rang we walked them to their reading class with Ms. Calamia. Trent was as happy as can be. I was nervous, but I knew he would be in good hands and I had to let go. I went on to work and tried to concentrate. Noon time quickly came and I picked up my boy from school. He had a great day and his reward was lunch at McDonald’s and a few hours at Jump n’ Jammin. He was excited to get to Jump n’ Jammin and start playing. He had a great time and all in all I am pretty sure he had a great day.
On our way to school.
Trent's new school.

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