Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Welcome to the world of blogging

Today, when I came into the office it was like any other day so I thought. I opened up my usual websites and checked by Google reader and then the idea came to me…start my own blog. It was really weird. My husband has been trying to get me to start one for some time, but I have been resistant for one reason or another. Well, I guess the time has come. I am not sure what all I am going to write about, but I will figure it out. I think what I want to journal and document his little t’s adventures. A few years ago, I started writing a journal documenting our life. It started as a journal that I would give to little t when he was older, married and had children of his own. I wanted him to know what an amazing little boy he was and all the funny little things he did to make me and his Dad laugh. Unfortunately, life got in the way and I stopped journaling. My routine was to write a little bit each night, but that soon became every other night and the days just kept passing with no writing. So, today I am going to commit to journaling our life via the World Wide Web. Wish me luck!

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