Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

We had a bit of a busy, but fun Father’s Day weekend. On Saturday, Tim was able to go for a bike ride. He hit the snooze button a few too many times, but finally figured out what day it was and got up to go for a much needed ride. Trent and I got to sleep in, which is always nice. We went to Connor’s Star Wars Birthday party, which was awesome. Trent was so excited when Captain Rex from Star Wars showed up. Captain Rex entertained the kids for an hour and Trent loved every minute of it. In the evening, we celebrated Father’s Day with my Dad. We had a nice time chatting and enjoying the yummy pizza.
Sunday morning came early and when Trent finally woke up we gave Tim his gifts. He loved them. We surprised him with a Tommy Bahama shirt (finally one that fits) and a DZ Nuts cycling jersey (Love it!). We went on to church and then enjoyed the afternoon at John and Cindy’s. The kids played in the pool. Trent is for the most part water safe, so Tim and I don’t have to get in the pool with him, but we have to keep a watchful eye on him. He sometimes pushes off the wall with no plan and just likes to bob up and down, which makes his former lifeguard parents a little nervous. Trent loved going down the water slide and a few times did some nice big arm circles. We had a delicious dinner of ribs and lobster, which were specially requested by Henry. We had a relaxing Sunday afternoon and I think all the fathers had a great day.
I am truly grateful for the father Tim is to Trent. He is amazing. He loves every minute of the time he gets to spend with Trent. Trent has an awesome example of what a great father is in Tim. I knew Tim would be an amazing father, but he has definitely exceeded all my expectations. I am also grateful to my Dad for being a great father and Grandpa. Tim has a great example of a father in John and I thank him for setting a such a great example for his boys.

Tim, we love you! Hope you had a great Father's Day.

Tim's new Hawaiian shirt

A new cycling jersey

Having fun with Uncle Jeff in the pool.

Tim enjoying his day.

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