Sunday, September 27, 2015

Trent Turns 11!

We celebrated John's (65), Trent's (11) and my (39) birthday on a Sunday in late August...a very hot Sunday to be exact. It was a nice day keeping cool in the pool. We had some yummy bbq food from Dickey's and a delicious ice cream cake from 31 Flavors.
 Trent has the best expressions!
 A cool bow and arrow.
 Trying it out.
 Trent loved his motorized scooter.
He got the hang of it in no time and was zipping up and down the block.
 On Trent's actually birthday we went to Red Robin for lunch. The staff sang Happy Birthday to him and he got a free sundae, he was one happy 11 year old.
 Happy Birthday to Trent!
 I love this boy!
 Trent's first day as a 11 year old was also the first day with his new 11-12 swim group. He got to do a Birthday swim...he swam a 50 free while the group cheered for him.
 After practice we had dinner at the bowling alley. We bowled and ate some yummy food.  
 Tried to get a cute picture of these two.
 Funny boy
To say turning 11 years old came too quickly would be an understatement. I can't believe Trent is 11!! Trent is and always has been such a great boy and he is now slowly (hopefully) becoming a great teenager...I love this boy so much and am so lucky to be his Mom. I pray he continues to be the best he can be and continues to achieve all he can. We love you Trent!

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