Monday, September 28, 2015

Last days of Summer

We packed lots of fun things in before school started.
Trent went to his first Sunday School Camp and had a great time. The camp usually falls on Trent's birthday weekend, so he hasn't been able to go, but this year the timing worked out perfectly. Tim and Trent headed up on a Friday evening and spent the weekend outdoors doing fun activities with friends.

Tim taking a little time out to relax.
 We got in one more beach day before school started. It was a beautiful day at the beach.
 Terra and I having fun at Kidspace.
Having a sweet treat from Coldstone.
Playing dress-up.
Tim came across this motorized quad through his cycling thing was it was free!! Terra loves it!
See ya!
Terra's hair is finally growing. We can even get it in a ponytail. 
Cruising around the neighborhood on their scooters.
I had a fun 2 1/2 months with these two. This summer we did much more than we did last summer. Terra is now so much "easier" to take places...being potty trained, we don't have to be on too tight of a schedule and she can kind of go with the flow. So, I really made a point of doing all we could and I hope Trent and Terra had as much fun as I did. Trent's main goal of the summer was to chill and I am pretty sure he accomplished that almost every day!

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