Sunday, September 27, 2015

Middle School Begins...

As if I wanted Trent to start middle school any sooner than necessary, this year his school decided to start a week earlier than usual. Ugh! On September 2nd, Trent started middle school and we were all a bit nervous (except Terra who was happy to drop Trent off at school and have me all to herself). This year the school required all middle school students to have an iPad, so that has become a big responsibility for him (and stressful for me hoping he doesn't lose or damage it). He also has a locker, which he loves, but also needs to be responsible about not forgetting his books for class or home.

 Ready for 6th grade
 Opening his locker and, of course, Terra is squeezing herself in there.
 So happy to have Mr. Atwater for his homeroom teacher.
Successful first day of middle school.
Trent is off to a good start in 6th grade and has straight A's so far. He is in Pre-Algebra and is taking Spanish, which he is loving. Can't wait to see all that he accomplishes this year.

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