Saturday, November 30, 2013

Terra's Birthday Party

There is always so much that goes into a party...planning, an endless list of to do's and then executing the party as you have imagined it in your head. Well, I have to say I was on the fence about throwing a big party, but Tim pushed me and I am glad he did. My reluctance was the possibility of rain and having to have a back up plan, too stressful. It rained the day before the party, but thankfully on Saturday morning there was no rain, just a cloudy sky with the sun peaking through at times. The party was like I had imagined it and it was a great party and day. 
 Pretty centerpieces.
 The backyard is ready for the party.
 Craft table.
 Bounce house with slide.
 Caramel apples for our guests.
 Bun-n-burger catered the party and Terra enjoyed some hamburger and chili.
 Going down the slide with some help from Papa.
 Having fun...
 Terra is a climber. I am in trouble!
 Terra's smash cake.
 Happy Birthday to Terra!
 Terra loved her cake.
 Like I said she loved her cake.
 Getting involved in the craziness of the bounce house.
 The girls.
 Terra taking a break.
 Present time.
Birthday girl.

Tim and Terra's Birthday Celebration

We had a great time celebrating Tim and Terra's birthday. Tim got home early and we got to enjoy dinner and birthday pie with the family.
 Tickle, tickle, tickle.
Happy Birthday Tim and Terra!
Terra checking out her presents.
Her first purse of many...
What are you looking at?
Tim opening his presents.
Trent might steal the show with the aviators...nut ball!
Our big 1 year old.
Tim prefers pie, so pie it was. Terra loved the chocolate satin pie and Tim loved the razzleberry pie.
Jake and Trent loved bringing in the birthday pie.

This was so cute and such a special moment. Love you two so much! Happy Birthday!