Wednesday, September 18, 2013


This summer was definitely a much different one for Trent.  For almost 9 years Trent has had my undivided attention and we have done so many fun things. Well, this summer we weren't able to do as many fun things on a whim. Our days we mostly centered around Terra and her naps. Trent went to summer camp in the morning, which he enjoyed. Most afternoons Trent had swim practice, but the hours in between Trent kept up with his math, grammar and reading. He was so good when Terra was napping and was always quiet and respectful of her need of sleep. As Tim has told him when Mama ain't happy, no one is happy...and that seems to carry over to Terra. When Terra is in a good mood everything goes so much better.
There were just a few things that Trent really wanted to do this summer and I was determined to make them happen...Disneyland and Chuck E Cheese. As for Disneyland we had to wait until our annual passes weren't blocked out, which happened to be towards the end of Summer. We did make it to Disneyland, which I wrote a post about. And as for Chuck E Cheese, we made it there too. We took Jake and Justin along with us and had a great time.
 Jake and Trent having fun at Chuck E Cheese.
I love Trent so much, but these past three months my love for him has grown so much more. I see how much he loves Terra, he always helps me out when I ask him. Don't get me wrong there are times when I am at my wits end with him, but at the end of the day he has helped me out with Terra in one way or another. I am so thankful for him.
 Trent studying his Pokemon guide book.
Trent loving his new American flag sunglasses. He wears these at school with his blue hat, such a cutie!
I hope Trent looks back at this summer and doesn't think it was a bummer, but the summer he spent playing with his baby sister Terra. I love you Trent!

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