Only 2 more months until our little girl is 1 year old...oh my! She continues to always be on the move and just keeps getting faster. She has graduated from the wounded solider crawl to crawling on her knees. She started crawling on her knees after being at jump n' jammin' and seeing a little boy crawl around on his knees...or maybe it was just a coincidence, but I am going with monkey see monkey do.
Terra enjoying her first time at Jump n' Jammin. She wasted no time getting right in the mix. She loved climbing and crawling around.
Trent playing with Terra.
Ok Mom enough with the pictures!
We have been introducing Terra to more table type food. She loved the broccoli and got mad when we took the stem away from her because she could have choked. Silly girl.
Those eyes look tired.
Since I thought it was a fluke that Terra liked broccoli, I had to try it again and to my surprise she ate a few bites. Maybe we will have a child who likes veggies...only time will tell.
I love her look here.
Yes, I am going to eat this tree.
Terra cheered on Madison as she cheered for the Apache football players.
Terra loves the pool, just like her brother.
It doesn't matter what toys of Terra's I have out, she always goes for Trent's toys. Trent is usually a good sport about it, unless it's his iPad.
Not only is Terra on the move crawling around everywhere, Terra is really starting to cruise around tables, standing up, sitting down, taking a step from the coffee table to the couch and just all around testing out her legs.
She has grown so much over the last month. I feel it was just the other day that she barely could see over the table. By the way, this outfit is one of my favorites.
Cutie pie!
She is really teething. Everything and I mean everything goes in her mouth and she goes to town chewing on it.
Even though I set up barriers, she eventually makes her way to Trent's books.
And here the books come off the shelf and then into the mouth.
I can feel the Fall weather right around the corner. The mornings have been chillier and I wanted to get these adorable boots on Terra before they got too small. She rocked these cute boots, I wish they made them in my size.
Can't wait to see what the next month brings...maybe walking.