Monday, August 12, 2013

A Busy Weekend

Our weekend started on Friday afternoon at the Rose Bowl cheering on Trent at his Intrasquard meet. This meet was short course and Trent was excited to race. He swam the 50 yd. breaststroke, 50 yd. backstroke and 25 yd. butterfly. He has never been timed in these events, but from his long course times in the breaststroke and backstroke he dropped time. Short course and long course aren't equivalent in distance, but close enough.
This kid is nuts! This was his pose right before the 25 yd. butterfly.
After the swim meet, we went to this new burger place in Pasadena, which was delicious. I was pretty hungry, so anything would have tasted good, but I can't wait to go back.
On Saturday, we headed south to my Aunt Mari and Uncle Charlie's house for a BBQ. We had a nice day relaxing on the patio, swimming in the pool, eating and eating some more yummy food and just enjoying our time together. The day, of course, was bittersweet because my Mom wasn't there. My Mom and her sister were not only sisters, but best friends and loved to entertain together. You could always find them in the kitchen putting more food out with a glass of wine not far from reach. So it was sad not to have her there, but I am glad we got together and all the kids had a great time playing together.
 Terra loving the won't be long until she is driving that around.
The girls.
 Terra all smiles after her swim in the pool.  Look at all those teeth...7!
 Not a bad spot to relax by the pool.
The sun sets.
We got home very late on Saturday night or I should say Sunday morning (Trent was very excited to be up past midnight). We got to sleep in a bit on Sunday before church.  After church Trent went with his friend go cart racing and had a blast.
Thumbs up from Trent!
A short clip of Trent coming around the corner.
What a fun weekend and we were all exhausted by Sunday evening and went to bed early, so we could start the week off semi-refreshed.

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