Monday, April 8, 2013

Trent's Open House and Field Trip

Trent always loves showing off his work at Open House. He would not stop talking about all things we would see at Open House, he was so excited. Tim and I enjoyed looking at all the projects. 
 Trent in a hot air balloon. He had to write a story about his adventure in a hot air balloon.
 Showing off his work.
 Trent's chameleon...the one with the blue head.
 Trent and three of his classmates created this Indian village.
 Trent's Space Diorama.
Tim was lucky to get some time off work to chaperon Trent's class field trip to Knott's Berry Farm. They toured the grounds and had a guided tour about the American Indians. Tim said the kids loved it and soaked up all the information. Tim was lucky the day off, but Trent was lucky to have his Dad there with him. A day Trent will remember for a long time.
 Trent and his buddy Issac. 

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