Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Trent was excited as ever to see what the Easter Bunny brought him and Terra. I wish I could keep him young forever.
 Goodies for my sweeties.
 Trent excited about getting another Skylander...Eye Brawl.
 Terra and her treats.
 Terra laughing at Trent. She loves her big brother.
 Love Terra's face...Yes, I know he is a bit nutty.
 All pretty in her Easter dress.
 My loves!
 Bunny ears for Terra.
 Auntie Ashley and Terra.
 Getting ready for the Easter egg hunt.
 Trent being a clown.
 Trent and Jake getting as many eggs as they could.
 Tim with his niece Zinnia.
 Jeff with Terra.
 Scott with Terra and Great Grandma Ethel with her newest great granddaughter.
 Zinnia Jean born on March 26, 2013.
 Great Grandparents with Zinnia...precious.
 Another egg hunt at Grandma and Papa's house. 
Only in California can you hunt eggs in bathing suits.
 Ethel making sure everyone is behaving.
 Another Reimers' Easter Bunny Pinata.
We had a nice day.  The only bummer was on the way home from church my car got hit by an uninsured and unlicensed driver...again only in California. Good thing I follow the law and have insurance.

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