Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It was about noon a few Fridays ago when I got a call from Tim asking if I would be upset if Trent and him headed up to Yosemite for the weekend?  I thought about it for a minute and really badly wanted to say yes because I had never been to Yosemite and neither had Trent, so I wanted to experience that with him too.  Then for another moment I thought well I am hosting Bunco tonight, so they have to be out of the house and then I am heading out to Oxnard for a girls' weekend, so can I really be that selfish and tell him yes I would be upset and not to go...no I couldn't and I told him figure out the logistics (meaning that you are not sleeping in a tent that is not heated), email me what needs to be packed and we will make it happen.  Even though I knew I was going to miss out on a great weekend with my boys, I knew they were going to have an amazing time exploring Yosemite.
Tim got home early that night and at about 6:00 p.m. they started their six hour drive to Yosemite.  Trent was so excited and I could tell Tim was too.  They got up to Yosemite around midnight and stayed in a "heated" tent.  The tent did have a heater, but by 2:00 a.m. Tim could tell that it wasn't working and it was freezing inside the tent.  Thankfully, they had warm sleeping bags and plenty of wool blankets.
Their tent for the night.
 Snuggled up in his sleeping bag and under some wool blankets.
 Inside their tent.
 The morning was a bit chilly.
Trent attempting to make a snow angel.
 Ready for the day!
 Surrounded by beauty.
Mirror Lake
 Taking a hike and cracking ice along the way.
  Half Dome 
 Merced River
 The famous and expensive Awhannee Hotel
Trent spotted some deer.
 Half Dome in the distance.
Another first for Trent...ice skating. It just happened to be the last day that the ice skating rink was open.
 I think the rollerblading helped him feel comfortable on the ice.
 Look at him go.
A cute video of Trent on the ice.
 Trent found a friend to skate around with.
After ice skating they watched the sunset on North Dome and Half Dome.
 Dinner time!
 Love the hair!
My Mom had sent an email that day telling Tim and Trent to have a good time.  This is Trent's response to her.
 After a long day of fun they snuggled up in their heated tent. 
 This time there really was heat.
Sunday morning they headed to Yosemite Falls.
 Trent in front of the lower falls.
They also took a hike to Bridal Veils.

 There was some boulder hopping involved.
 Some dangerous boulder hopping!  Thank goodness I wasn't there. 
El Capitan.
 Looking out over the valley floor.
They couldn't leave without doing some souvenir shopping.  Thankfully, Tim was able to steer Trent in a different direction and he didn't come home with the bear hat, but with a stuffed animal. 
I loved hearing their stories about the weekend and can't wait to go with them next time!

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