Friday, March 30, 2012


A few Fridays ago Trent had the day off from school, so we headed up to see my parents in Tehachapi.  We got up there in the early afternoon, had lunch, relaxed a bit and then did a little browsing around town.  While my Dad and Trent went to the train museum, my Mom and I went shopping.  We found some fabric at the local quilting store and then found a few things at the scrap-booking store.  After our shopping and the boys adventure at the train museum we treated ourselves to some sweets at the German Bakery.  Trent had a delicious chocolate chip cookie, my Mom and I split a piece of carrot cake and my Dad had a danish.  The sweets were delicious.
In late afternoon, we were relaxing around the house before we went to dinner. There was a fire going and we just enjoyed our time together.
We left by 9:00 a.m. the next morning.  The rain was already coming down and I wanted to make sure I was on the road home before they started to close the roads because of snow. My Dad called about 20 minutes after we left and it had started to snow at the house. We left just in the knick of time...thankfully. We did get stuck in traffic because of two accidents. After two and a half hours on the freeway I was happy to get home and out of the rain.

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