Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Saturday Fun Day!

While Tim was cycling 100 miles around Solvang on Saturday, Trent and I had some fun closer to home.  We started with lunch at Bun-N-Burger, which was yummy.  Then we took my new car to the car wash for the first time.  Since I have gotten the car I have been washing it myself, but it was time to get it vacuumed and professionally washed.  It looks so pretty now. After the car wash we went bowling.  We had so much fun.  We played four games and Trent beat me in all four games.  I even got 2 back to back strikes, but that didn't help my score much.  I will say that I think other than the last game he only beat me by a few points.
Trent watching his ball knock down some pins.
 My little bowler.
We enjoyed a yummy warm chocolate chip cookie with ice cream.  It was so good!!  Trent didn't want to take his turn because he thought I would eat it all...he knows me so well.
After bowling we came home and played Toy Story Mania on the Wii for awhile. Then Trent got on his rollerblades and we headed down to the local elementary school where Trent enjoyed skating around.
It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

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