Friday, March 30, 2012

Open House

Last Thursday, it was Open House at Trent's school.  Trent had been talking about Open House for weeks and he was so excited to show his work to us.  He had a check list of all the things he had to show us.  He loved showing us his journal and all that he writes in it.  Each Monday, they have to write about their weekend, I loved seeing what he wrote.
 Trent's snowflake is on the right.
 Trent's quilt.
 Trent's fish.
 So happy to show us around.
 Trent's poem about a seal.  Seals (Harp Seals) are his favorite animal.
 Trent's book report on King Tut.
 Miss Dinkins and Trent
We had a great time at Open House and are so proud of Trent.  We ended the evening with ice cream at Baskin Robbins.  It was a good day!

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