Friday, April 29, 2011


We had a fun filled weekend, which included two egg hunts, a piñata, and hanging out with our friends and family.  We began the weekend with the annual egg hunt at church.  Trent had a lot of fun searching for the golden egg.  He didn't get it and he was a bit upset, but overall he had fun.  We then spent the rest of the day getting the yard and house ready to host our friends and family for Easter.
Hunting for eggs.
 Excited that he found a few.
 Where to next?
Easter morning came and the Easter bunny left Trent some cool goodies. Trent really wanted a pillow pet, which the Easter bunny had heard about. Trent was so excited to get the pillow pet; he named the dog Rufus.  The Easter bunny also left Trent a few books, a DS game and two Star Wars shirts.
 Trent so excited to see what the Easter bunny left him.
 AAAHHH the pillow pet!
We got dressed in our Easter best and made our way to service.
 These two can rarely give me a cute smile.
After church service we hurried home to get ready to host our friends and family.
We had a great time eating yummy food and visiting with everyone. Tim made pulled pork, which was a big hit. My Mom made some great red velvet cupcakes and carrot cupcakes.  My Aunt made delicious appetizers, which is her specialty.  All in all we had great food.  Trent had a great time playing all day with his cousins and friends.  He was so tired from the day, that he didn't wake up until 9:15 the next morning.
The older kids hid the eggs for the younger kids to find.  There were so many eggs and the kids had fun finding them all.
 The kids ready to go hunt for eggs.
 There were eggs hidden all over Tim's car.
After the egg hunt came the piñata. 
Trent had a unique way of hitting the piñata or rather stabbing the piñata.  He finally figured out that stabbing the piñata wasn't the way to go so he started hitting it.
 Finally the candy!
We had a great time celebrating Easter.

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