Tuesday, April 19, 2011

3 Down and So Many More to Go!

Trent's top teeth are finally loose and boy are they tough to get out.The top left tooth took a good week before I had had enough of seeing it just dangling there.  Trent was tired of the dangling tooth too and was tired of being called snaggle tooth, so he let me pull it out.  It was literally hanging on by a root.  He was so happy to have it out and even happier when the tooth fairy left a gold dollar coin under his pillow.
I took a video of Trent really trying to pull the tooth out himself.  Like I said he really wanted it out.

Mr. Snaggle Tooth!
Hanging on by a root.
The tooth was begging to come out.
All smiles...minus a tooth.
Trent is currently working hard to get the right top tooth out.  My hope is to have it out by Easter, so I have some really cute Easter pictures.

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