Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baseball Season Has Finally Started!

You would think we lived in Seattle with all the rain we have gotten this year.  Trent finally had his first baseball (I think I have to start calling it baseball rather than tball since he rarely hits off the tee anymore) game this past Saturday.  The past two Saturday games were canceled due to the rain.  Trent was so excited for his first game.
A few pictures before we head to the game.
 Check out the red shoes (maybe they will make him run faster). 
Trent's favorite color is red, so the colors of the Nationals are perfect.
 Lets Go Reimers!
Unfortunately, I had to work in the snack bar during his entire game, so Tim was in charge of taking pictures; he did a great job. I was able to sneak out when Trent was up to bat and saw Trent make some great hits.  He ran fast to the bases and seemed to be into the game.
I think Trent really looks like me here.  He has my smile.  
Nice hit!
 Tongue out and running hard.
 Go Trent!
 Playing catcher...and at times singing Yankee Doodle.
Another at bat and another hit.
 Off to first base.
 Playing the outfield.
 Last at bat.
 I love the faces he makes.
 Trent was very excited to get in my line at the snack bar.
We are looking forward to a great season with the Nationals!

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