Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Father and Son Adventure

Keeping with our theme of being an active family, Tim and Trent hiked up to Henninger Flats on Saturday and camped overnight.  Tim was a bit worried about the weather not cooperating, but the rain held off and they were kept plenty warm in the tent and sleeping bags.  They started their hike around 2:00 p.m. and made it up to camp by 4:00 p.m.  Tim and Trent are becoming experts on setting up camp, so the tent was up in no time.  The ranger's son's boy scout troop was up there, so Trent didn't quite have the run of the campsite this time. The ranger though was very accommodating to Trent and he did get to pick a nature movie about birds to watch in the evening.  Before heading over to the nature center, they had dinner and played a few rounds of Old Maid (or as Trent calls it Old Lady) and War.  Tim said once the lights were off and Trent's head hit the pillow he was out.  That boy was exhausted, but he can go and go right up until his head hits the pillow.  They were up early and made their way down the mountain in no time.  I met them at church and Trent was happy as can be at the start of Sunday school.  He was full of energy and I don't see how that is possible, since he had to hike down the mountain in the morning. Oh wait, he is a boy and they have so much energy.  All in all I am pretty sure they had a great time camping.
As for me, I stayed home and did some much needed sewing.  I sewed for about 4 hours and it was so great to be sewing again.  I don't sew nearly as much as I would like to. 
I have said this before, but I will say it again, Trent is one lucky boy to have a Dad like Tim.  I think it's so great that they go camping and they always have the best time.
Ready to get the adventure started.
 Starting the hike to camp.
 All smiles, of course!
 They made it!
 They got the tent all set up.
 Keeping warm in the tent and playing cards.
 They had a great view.
 Ready to head down the mountain in the morning.
 Almost done.

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