Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love Day!

I love celebrating Valentine's  In high school I hated it, but now I love it and it's all because of Tim and Trent.  I had two long term boyfriends in high school and whenever Valentine's Day came around it was always a let down.  Maybe that was a sign that the relationship was doomed.  I am glad in my almost 13 years of marriage to Tim that I have always had a good Valentine's Day.  Then Trent came along and it became even better.  Just another day to express how much I love my boys. 
I was surprised a few days before Valentine's Day (Tim cannot keep a secret) with a Shutterfly photo album made by Tim and Trent (with lots of help from my sister in-law April).  The 74 page album is filled with over 300 pictures of our crazy love.  It is such a wonderful collection of pictures that range from Trent's birth to the most recent of pictures.  I was in tears looking at it.  I am always the one making the albums for people and it was so nice to receive one.  I will cherish it forever.
On Valentine's Day we went about our day as usual.  I helped out with Trent's class party, which was a lot of fun.
 Trent enjoying his cupcake and plate of goodies.

 Mrs. Chung and Trent
Then I took Trent to a very early dinner (3:00 p.m.) at Casa del Rey.  It was just me and him in the restaurant.  Next, we headed over to my parents house to pick up some yummy cupcakes my Mom had made us.  Then we headed home to bake some brownies for Tim.  

 Trent and Choco Heart (stuffed doggy).  
That was his Valentine from Tim and I.
 Yummy brownies!
Trent had a great time going through all his Valentine's from his classmates.
Trent's poem: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue.  God is special; You are too!
A classic up close picture of me and Trent.  Check out the awesome visor Trent made me in Sunday school.

Tim finally made it home and Trent wanted to surprise him with the brownies.  Tim was thrilled to see that we made him brownies.
 So surprised!

We had a great day celebrating our love for each other and others.  

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