Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Celebrating my Grandma's 90th Birthday

On January 28, 2011, my Grandma turned 90 years old. Wow! My Grandma lives in a home for those who are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's.  She has been in that home for about three years.  Before that my grandparents briefly lived in an assisted living facility, but having only lived there a month or so my Grandpa had a stroke and shortly after that passed away.  My Grandma's Alzheimer's was still in the beginning stages, but we all knew she would not be able to live in the assisted living facility for very long.  Not wanting to change her life too much after my Grandpa passed away, she stayed in the assisted living facility for about another year.  They moved her to a different room within the facility where there was more assistance given, but eventually her Alzheimer had progressed to a point that she needed around the clock care.  She moved into a facility close to my Aunt and Uncle down in Sun City.  My Aunt visits her a few times a week and my Mom gets down there as often as she can.  She still recognizes my Mom and Aunt, but I am not too sure if she recognizes me anymore.
It is definitely sad to see someone you love suffering from the disease of Alzheimer.  She does have moments of clarity and see tries to jump into the conversation, but for the most part she just enjoys your company.  She has always loved having company.  My grandparents did a lot of entertaining in  their life.  My Grandma loved to cook and I think that's where my Mom got her love of cooking from.  I can still remember playing in the front yard of my grandparents house like it was yesterday.  I drive by their old house everyday on the way to our house and I remember all the fun times we had there.  I was lucky that my grandparents lived so close and we saw them often. My Grandma and I had a tradition of going shopping for pretty clothes for my birthday, I always looked forward to those shopping trips.
To celebrate my Grandma's birthday my Mom, Aunt, my Aunt's granddaughter and I went to see my Grandma.  We arrived at their lunch time and we had with us flowers, balloons, presents and a giant carrot cake (my Grandma's favorite) to celebrate this special occasion. I think my Grandma knew it was her birthday, but she didn't really let on she knew.  We sang happy birthday to her and everyone enjoyed the carrot cake.  After the festivities in the lunch room, we went to her room and opened presents.  Madison loved helping Great Grandma open her presents.  She got a few new pretty blouses to wear.  After we opened presents we took a nice walk outside.  I asked Grandma if it felt good to be outside and she said, oh yes.  We took some pictures and finally at the end Grandma smiled for the camera.  We had been asking her smile all day, I guess she wasn't ready to smile then, but outside in the fresh air and sun she was all smiles and so were we.  
Celebrating 90 years.
 Present time.
 Grandma's room all decorated for her birthday.
 Picture time!
 My Mom and her sister.
 Grandma with her granddaughter and great granddaughter.
 Finally a smile from Grandma.

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