Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of 1st Grade

The day finally arrived...Trent's first day of 1st grade. How did we get here so fast? I have said this before, I am not ready for Trent to be 6 and to be starting 1st grade. I want him to stay my little boy forever (I know in my heart he always will be my little boy).
I took a few days off work to enjoy the last few days of summer with Trent before he started school. We started off on Friday with sleeping in, having a yummy lunch at Casa and then enjoying a few hours at Jump n' Jammin'. The 3-day weekend was fun and relaxing. Tim and Trent went hiking and camped overnight at Spruce Grove, which is about a 4 mile hike from where they parked the car. Monday, again slept in late, played in the tree house and enjoyed having the day off. Tuesday, slept in a bit, Trent got a hair cut, went to the mall to get new shoes for school, enjoyed lunch at McDonald's and then went to school for a Meet and Greet with Trent's teacher and classmates. The meet and greet was great, I think it helped Trent and I get over our nervousness. Trent found his desk right away and was feeling pretty comfortable. While the parents met with Mrs. C, the teacher's aide took the kids outside to show them where they would line up for class, where they would eat lunch and where recess would be (the most important part of the day for Trent). I was really happy to meet Mrs. C and to get a feel for the classroom. After the meet and greet I felt that Trent and I were ready to start 1st grade.
The anticipation and maybe a bit of nervousness was growing as Trent went to bed last night. We prayed for a good first day of school and for all to go well. I told Trent he needed to get to bed early because 6:45 a.m. was going to come real fast. I didn't have the best nights sleep and I was hoping that wasn't my alarm going off at 6:00 a.m., no such luck, it was mine and it was time to start the day. The morning went smoothly and waking Trent up went pretty well, but one of the first things he said was he was nervous. Oh boy, did I know how he felt. Tim and I reassured him that there was nothing to be nervous about and he was going to have a great day. Trent told me that Daddy had prayed for him and now he was feeling a little less nervous. I love this boy!! We got to school early and Trent showed us around a bit and then he wanted to play basketball and soccer, which we did. I think playing awhile before the bell rang helped Trent get the butterflies out. When the bell rang we made our way to his class line up spot. Mrs. C was there greeting the children and they made their way to the classroom. Most of the parents were taking pictures (me included of course!) and kind of following the kids to class. I was a bit unsure if we could go to the classroom, but a few parents started walking that way, so of course, in the hopes of taking more pictures I followed. I took a few more pictures, said my good-byes to my little boy and Tim and I made our way to the parents breakfast. I am happy to report that I didn't shed a tear, but the day isn't over yet.
As I am writing this, I have noticed that I can't stop checking the clock and wondering how and what Trent is doing. 2:45 cannot get here fast enough.
I am happy to report that Trent's first day went great and he wants to go back tomorrow. We are looking forward to a great year!
A few pictures before heading off to school.

Playing around before the bell rings.
All lined up and ready to go into class.
Trent's desk area.

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