Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And the Growing Up Continues...

When I woke up Tuesday morning, September 21st, I did not think by the end of the day Trent would be minus a tooth.  It had been the farthest thing from my mind.  His loose tooth had been loose for a month or so and it wasn't bothering him, so like I said before it was the farthest thing from my mind. When he got home from school I noticed that his tooth was off center, his gum looked a little irritated and I asked him if it had gotten looser and he said yep.  I wiggled it and sure enough it was pretty loose.  Then I looked behind the tooth and saw that his adult tooth had popped thru.  WHAT!!!  When did this happen!!  No one consulted me about my baby getting his adult teeth.  I wasn't emotionally prepared for this!  I thought I had time to prepare myself for Trent loosing his baby teeth.  Oh my what was I going to do?  I didn't have a tooth fairy pillow to put his tooth in, I just wasn't prepared.  I was in denial that this was happening.
Trent was excited that his tooth was loose and during the entire hour of tball practice played with his tooth.  It brought back memories of me playing with my loose teeth and my Dad using a string to pull out a few of my baby teeth.  Trent made it through practice and dinner without his tooth falling out.  Tim got home and Trent was so excited to show him his really loose tooth.  We were tucking Trent into bed and I was snuggling with Trent and all of the sudden Trent said, "Mommy I need the mirror."  I said, "No, your tooth is fine."  All of the sudden I felt his tooth on my shoulder.  I told Trent your tooth just fell out and we started looking for it and found it immediately.  We jumped out of bed and I started yelling for Tim to get in the bathroom with us.  I was worried about how Trent would do with the bleeding, but it didn't phase him and the bleeding wasn't too bad.  I gave him the mirror and he thought it was so cool to see his big tooth and the hole in his mouth.
One of the funniest parts of this whole thing was when Trent was running to the bathroom he yelled to Tim and I to text everyone, text everyone that I lost my tooth.  It was so funny that that was what came to his mind.  We didn't text everyone, but we did do a post on Facebook.
We got Trent to bed and then I started panicking about what were we going to put under his pillow.  What was the tooth fairy going to bring for Trent?  I got out my stash of unique coins and we found a roll of gold Sacagawea dollar coins. Tim thought Trent would love to find a gold coin under his pillow, it would be a cool treasure.  Tim hid the coin in Trent's pillowcase and Trent was super excited to find it in the morning.  I loved seeing Trent's expression when he found his gold coin.
So, I wasn't prepared for Trent loosing his first tooth, but I got it together and in the end all the matters is the jack-o-lantern smile that Trent is now sporting.
Check out Trent's loose tooth.

And a big tooth popped up.
Missing a tooth.  Yay!! 
Proudly showing off his baby tooth. 
Trent checking his pillow case to see what the tooth fairy left him.
Trent found a cool gold dollar coin. 
The treasure from the tooth fairy. 

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