Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Open House

We always love to see all of Trent's work at Open House. The big project for 5th grade is the state report, Trent picked Connecticut and he had a great time learning about the state (and even taught Tim and I few things). Trent did a great job putting the report and presentation all together. He created a video, which was awesome (I hope to get a copy of the video soon).
Trent showing off his Connecticut report presentation.
 Trent's version of Under the Blood Red Sun's book cover. He did a great job on this book report.
For another book report Trent picked Thomas Edison to learn about. He is doing so much better with his writing skills.
 Love this guy!
 The state license plates.
 And then there was this nutball roaming around...
 Trent's campaign sign for Calvin Coolidge.
 Trent made a pizza, one of his favorite foods...and now he likes pepperoni!
We had a great time seeing Trent's work! He is doing a great job!

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