Thursday, March 5, 2015

Fun Times

For most of February we were all sick at one time or another. Terra had a double ear infection and an eye infection and Trent, Tim and I had some sort of virus/cold. We are now all on the mend...hopefully.  We did have some fun times during our sick times.
We watched the Super Bowl out at Jeff and April's. Madison is always so good with her cousins. They were snuggling and watching tv.
Playing around while Trent is doing dryland. Terra pushes the limits, she usually comes back right before I call her name.
Terra found two sticks and brought them to me to have a sword fight. Her brother has taught her well.
 On most days this was how she felt.
 On the mend...finally!
 My little cutie!
And then we have these two cool guys! We went to the Camellia Festival and they had fun on the rides. They are growing up so fast!
Sometimes the sky can be so breathtaking.

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