Terra is talking more and more and just becoming a funny little girl. Tim and I just look at eachother and shake our heads because she is just too much sometimes...too much spunk, sass and dramatics. She can turn the tears on and off in a blink of an eye. She demands getting her way, but at times can be reasoned with. She is potty trained, which I thought was going to be tougher than it turned out to be. She has become quite attached to her "myPad" and enjoys watching YouTube videos about opening chocolate eggs with surprises in them and Peppa Pig (sometimes in Spanish), old Mickey Mouse cartoons that are in black and white and the occasional Frozen sing along of "Let it Go". Terra at almost 2 and a half years old definitely knows what she wants and is not afraid to demand it.
Dressed in a Sophia the First dress she gives this cute smile.
Of course these are appropriate shoes to wear to the park...
And who doesn't wear a light up snowflake headband when it's 90 degrees out?!
She loved her cute headband from Auntie Ashley.
Another headband that she loves to wear.
Terra and Jake wishing they could get in the pool and swim, but can only just watch Trent swim back and forth.
Terra enjoys her gymnastics class at school on Fridays.
Trent took this not so short video of Terra in her gymnastics class.