Sunday, January 4, 2015

Visiting the USS Midway

It took us almost four hours to get down to San Diego, but we made and we had a great time exploring the USS Midway. The USS Midway is the longest-serving Navy aircraft carrier of the 20th century.  The carrier served in the Vietnam War and Operation Desert Storm. The Midway was the largest ship until 1955.  We did a self-guided audio tour, which Trent loved and made sure we stayed on track.
 Going aboard the USS Midway
 Terra even listened a bit to the audio tour.
 Trent checking out a was a tight squeeze.
 The anchor room.
 The Ready Room
 Trent in the Brig.
 Terra trying out the bunk, she fits much better.
 Control room. It was neat to see how the recreated the room.
 Trent in the cockpit.
 Terra had to try it out too.
 Check out those bombs!
 So cool.
 Terra on the run.
 The city of San Diego is a beautiful background for the USS Midway.
 Beautiful sunset.
We had a great time aboard the Midway. Trent loved exploring the carrier and could have kept exploring for hours.

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