Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Celebrating April's Birthday at Disneyland

The forecast wasn't great for a day at Disneyland, but we were going and we were ready to celebrate April's birthday rain or shine.
 My two cuties are bundled up and excited for a fun day.
 We got there just in time to see Minnie Mouse.
 Minnie stepped out of her spot and grabbed John and Cindy for a picture.
 Trading pins.
 Maddie is so good with Terra.
 Jungle Cruise
Thanks to Uncle Jeff asking a cast member Trent got to wake up Jose.
 Having fun with Uncle Jeff while standing in the longest line ever for Small World.
 Mr. Cool Guy
 Trent's third time on Thunder Mountain in a matter of about 20 minutes. I had so much fun with him on the ride.
 The nutty faces of Trent.
Me and my boy.
 Terra still not into seeing the characters too close up.
And still not sure about Santa.
We had a great day at Disneyland. It was cold, but it didn't rain until the evening and by that time we were leaving to go have dinner. So glad we went and celebrated with April.

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