Saturday, January 3, 2015

Bass Pro Shop at Christmas

The first day of the kids winter break started off with a bang. We headed out to Bass Pro Shop to meet up with Aunt Mari, Melissa, Madison and Gianna. The last time we all went out to Bass Pro Shop my Mom was with us, so I was having a hard time and really missing her, but we made it out there and had a nice time. We didn't get to visit with Santa because at 10:45 a.m. they had given out all the tickets for the day. So that was a bummer, but the kids had fun playing the games and exploring. After playing for a while, we had a yummy lunch at the restaurant next store.
 Checking out the "snow."
 Shooting range.
Terra controlling the monster truck...Trent always there to help her out.
 Gianna looked so cute in her outfit.
 Terra liked playing in the tent. She was all smiles.
She was getting nice and cozy, shoes off and all.

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