Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Terra's 6 1/2 month Photo Shoot

In the beginning of June, Terra had another photo shoot with Carie. Terra had three outfit changes, sat like a big girl in a rocking chair and played with tea cups and dolls. The rocking chair was mine when I was little and Tim refinished it for Trent and now it's been passed to Terra. The session was during Terra's usual nap time, so I was surprised at what a good mood she remained in during the photos.  Here are some of my favorites.
 Big Girl!
This picture is so Trent...the squinty left eye and all.
 Pretty in polka dots.
 She looks on the verge of tears here, but in the next photo she is happy.
 Big blue eyes.
Terra and Raggedy Ann...they have the same smile...kind of scary, but cute.

 Loves playing with her feet.
Mom, are we done yet?  One more picture...

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