Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Seattle...Going Home.

We were up early and off to the light rail station to head back to the airport. It was a relaxing ride to the airport and everything went smoothly on our trip home. We had a stop in Oakland where Trent got to go inside the cockpit. He was so excited.
Notice no shoes on...since the stop in Oakland wasn't a plane change for us he had taken off his shoes for the flights.
 Turning on some controls.
 Putting on the mask.
So, we thought the trip home was without incident...Tim left his iPad on the plane when we got off in Ontario. Thankfully, he was able to recover it and it didn't take too long. We were so worried about Trent leaving something, that we overlooked our stuff...typical...kids!
All in all we had a great trip. Seattle was all I hoped it would be. My Dad had a great time. Through out the whole trip I felt that someone was missing, and, of course, that was my Mom. She would have loved this trip and I know that she was looking down on us smiling and happy that Dad came with us on the adventure.

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