Friday, June 21, 2013

Terra...7 months old!

Well, Terra has definitely stepped it up this month.  She is now sitting up by herself, rolling all over the place, scooting backwards and a bit forward, which I know will soon turn into crawling (yikes!), she is babbling up a storm, clapping, putting everything in her mouth, holding her bottle all by herself (when she feels like it), and still loving her food.
Yes Mommy give me more food!
Here is a funny video of Trent and Terra talking to eachother. If you look in the mirror you can see when Trent is talking Terra is mimicking cute!
Terra has been enjoying playing in the sun room with her big brother.  
Trent is being really good about playing with her and entertaining her when I need to get things done, like make dinner.
Loving the cute summer outfits!
Terra where is your smile?
Great Grandma Ethel holding Terra and Zinnia.
 Enjoying the pool on Father's Day.
All smiles!
Here is Terra clapping.
We are loving this stage, Terra's personality is coming out...she is 0 to 10 in no time, which is different from Trent. With Trent there was a bit of a build up into full blown crying, with Terra she gets right to the point. She knows what she wants and you better give it to her...typical girl? When she is happy, she is so much fun. She laughs and smiles up a storm. I just love her smile, you can't help but smile back at her.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Terra's 6 1/2 month Photo Shoot

In the beginning of June, Terra had another photo shoot with Carie. Terra had three outfit changes, sat like a big girl in a rocking chair and played with tea cups and dolls. The rocking chair was mine when I was little and Tim refinished it for Trent and now it's been passed to Terra. The session was during Terra's usual nap time, so I was surprised at what a good mood she remained in during the photos.  Here are some of my favorites.
 Big Girl!
This picture is so Trent...the squinty left eye and all.
 Pretty in polka dots.
 She looks on the verge of tears here, but in the next photo she is happy.
 Big blue eyes.
Terra and Raggedy Ann...they have the same smile...kind of scary, but cute.

 Loves playing with her feet.
Mom, are we done yet?  One more picture...

End of 3rd Grade!

Just writing the title of this post makes me sad. I cannot believe Trent will be starting 4th grade in has just gone by too fast. He turns 9 in August and then starts 4th boy is growing up.
Trent had a great 3rd grade year. He got all A's on his report cards through out the year. He was Citizen of the Month in December for the character trait of Love, he received numerous awards, such as Bible Memory Award and Good Citizenship Award. He was in the Advanced Math class and did quite well. Tim and I could not be any prouder of Trent and what he has accomplished. 
Trent received this postcard from Mrs. Slaymaker before school started.
Trent on the first day of school. 
Class picture taken on Halloween.
Thanksgiving little Indian.
Junior Olympics in June
Here is Trent reciting a poem at their Poem Party a few days before the end of school. Each student picked a poem, had to memorize it, and then recite it in front of the class.
End of year party at the park.  
Trent and his friends, Youngyen, Elijah, Kenny and Isaac.
Trent and Youngyen...let's see how they do.

Off to a good start.
Not really sure why Youngyen is walking away from Trent. 
They both ended up falling, but so did a few others.

 The low can you go?
 Water balloon toss.
 Trent and Youngyen.
 After the water balloon toss there was a water balloon fight!
Mrs. Slaymaker opening her gift from the class, which was a scrapbook made up of pages that each student created.
Trent took his time making his pages. He wrote neatly and really thought about what to write to Mrs. Slaymaker.
 Trent and Mrs. Slaymaker.
 Terra was such a good girl at Trent's party.
 Pinata time!
 Trent's turn.
Even Mrs. Slaymaker got in a few good hits.
Trent had a great time at the party and it was a great way to end a great 3rd grade year.