Friday, December 21, 2012

Terra is 1 month old

Today, Terra is 1 month old. Boy has this month flown by. Terra had her 1 month check up yesterday and she is doing good. She is a little under weight, so I have to fatten her up a bit before her 2 month old check up. Terra is starting to make eye contact with us, her eyes are starting to track us and she is giving us her cute smirks here and there.  I think I even heard a little cooing the other day. Terra is a pretty good sleeper, she has moments when she enjoys crying more than smirking, but crying fits usually mean she is hungry.
Trent is doing great as a big brother. He calls Terra sissy, which is so cute. He loves holding her, but if she poops while he is holding her he wants her away from him asap. I love seeing Trent look at Terra because I can see in his eyes how much he loves her.
This is what she does most of the day.

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