I think I say this every year, but this year Christmas really did come and go in a blink of an eye. I am a very organized person and with having Terra I knew that I needed to be extra organized and had to have most of my shopping done before Terra was born. I am not sure what I would do with online shopping, it was definitely a lifesaver.
The joys of having a girl has to be all the cute clothes. Terra had some really cute Christmas outfits and I tried my best to make sure she wore them all.
Silly girl!
We had to have a small tree this year because the baby stuff has taken over the living room...we need more space!
Great Grandma Ethel and Terra. They are twins with their Christmas outfits.
Trent was really excited for Terra to meet Santa. I had to wake Terra up to meet Santa, so I am pretty sure she had no idea what was going on. I am sure next year it will be a whole different story...hopefully she wants to sit on Santa's lap.
Our Christmas celebration begins for me when we have the Sunday School Christmas Program. Last year, Trent played the piano and this year he read a Christmas story to his baby sister. It was so sweet.
Terra was asleep for the story, but I am sure she loved hearing her big brother's voice.
I got my Christmas present a week early, which was so exciting. Tim got me my dream purse and I absolutely love it. He thinks that since I have my dream purse that I will never "need" another purse, but he is mistaken...I am sure I will "need" another purse just not for a really long time.
I was so excited!
The purse is so big Terra fits inside it. I love it!!
We celebrated Christmas Eve at Tim's parents house. It is always a bit chaotic, but always lots of fun.
A few pictures before we head over to Tim's parents house.
Trent is so good with Terra and loves holding her.
Terra wants her pacifier back in.
So sweet!
Daddy with his kids.
Cutie pie!
Me and my sweeties!
Trent insisted that we make faces...love that Terra is crying.
Scott, Tim and Fiona
Auntie and Terra
Sophia and Madison
Trent opening his iPad Mini from Papa and Grandma.
Trent was so excited he faked fainting...drama boy!
Tim giving Trent CPR...nuts!
Henry and Ethel opening their present from Trent and Terra.
Trent excited for Santa to visit.
Trent's loot.
Alvin the Elf left Trent a little something for being a good boy.
Terra's loot.
Trent so excited on Christmas morning.
Trent reading the note Alvin left for him.
Santa filled Trent's stocking with skylanders...he was beyond excited.
Check out Trent's parka. Now he will be nice and warm after swim practice.
Trent reading the note Alvin left for Terra...she has been a good girl too.
A few pictures before we go to church.
Love this picture of Trent and Terra.
Love this picture of Tim and Terra.
Terra with her stuffed animal from Grandma Jennifer.
Trent and Jake having fun.
Todd and Grandpa
Tim and Ashley
Grandpa with Terra
Jake showing off his cool Star Wars clock.
Trent opening up his Star Wars clock.
Trent showing off his Jeff Gordon Star Wars race car...very cool.
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