Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Trent received a Ladybug Land kit for Christmas from a friend and we finally sent away for the ladybug larvae to get our Ladybug Land started. Once we received the larvae (about 15-20) we put them in their container along with the food that was sent with them and some water and then we let them do their thing for two weeks.
Trent making sure the ladybugs have water.  
 Trent checking out the larvae.
 The little specks of black are the larvae and 
what looks like sand is their food.
 The ladybugs are ready to make their escape.  
They could not get out of their container fast enough.
 Releasing the ladybugs.
Go ladybugs you are free!
 We put craisins in their container for food.  I think they liked them.
We really enjoyed watching the larvae turn into ladybugs.  We hope the ladybugs found a nice home.

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