Saturday, June 9, 2012

Junior Olympics

Trent and the Daring Dinkins' Dragons participated in the 2nd Grade Junior Olympics. I wasn't able to go, but thankfully Grandma Cindy was able to go, cheer on Trent and his class and take pictures.
 Not sure what this was all about...maybe psyching up for his events. 
 Lining up for Fly Ball Kick.
 Go Trent!
 All smiles!
 Trent and Elijah getting ready for Beetle Bug.
 Slow and Steady.  Trent kept telling me that him and Elijah were an AT-AT from Star Wars...too funny!
Shuttle Run.
 Run Trent!
 Cheering on his team!
 Miss Dinkins and Trent
 Trent showing off his medal. 

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