Saturday, February 11, 2012

Race Day!

On Friday, Trent completed two weeks of swim practice with the Rose Bowl Aquatics Rose Buds.  He has started in the beginning levels of the swim team.  He practices twice a week for 45 minutes and the practices concentrate on freestyle and backstroke.  Once those strokes are mastered he can move to the class that works only on breaststroke and butterfly.  Once Trent has mastered all the strokes he can move to the Blue Group and they practice a bit more and participate in inter-squad meets.  The way the program is set up you have to be proficient in all your strokes to move up groups and then once you are competing in the inter-squad meets your times are then looked at to move to the competitive groups.  Much different than when I swam.  Way back then it was pretty much a 10 & under group, next was the 10-12 year old group and then you either went to the sprint or distance group from 13 on up.   The way the Rose Bowl team is set up there seems to be a lot more smaller groups within each age group. 
We will see if swimming becomes the sport Trent enjoys doing.  We opted out of baseball this season to try out swimming.  I like swimming for Trent because he can get both the team atmosphere that he likes and then the individual achievements are good for building up his confidence.
Trent competed in his first Race Day on Friday.  He swam 25 yds of freestyle and backstroke and then 25 yds of freestyle in the relay.  Backstroke was Trent's first event and he doesn't really like backstroke, but he came in first place.  Way to go!
Waiting to get the ok to jump in.
 Getting ready!
 Off he goes!
 Looking good.  
Trent swam pretty much in the middle of the lane, which is awesome because usually in practice he is hitting the lane line all the time. 
 Almost there!
 All done and all smiles...too bad I didn't get the smile in my picture.
Trent's next event was 25 yds of freestyle.
Trent is the second swimmer from the right.
 Go Trent!
 Not sure why his head is completely out of the water...need to work on that.
 Almost there!
 Love the fist...again we have to work on that.
Again, he was so pleased with himself after this race. He did a great job.  Next, was the relay. Trent started off the relay, but the second person who was on the opposite end and suppose to wait for Trent started too. So, they both swam past eachother.  Too funny!
Trent at the far end getting ready to go.
 The other swimmer took off too.
 And they passed eachother.
 Trent asking a coach how much more swimming do they have left.
 So excited to get a ribbon.
 Cutie pie!
I am so proud of Trent and how well he did at his first Race Day after just four practices.  I hope he continues to improve his strokes and hopefully by summer he can be in the Blue Group and competing more.  No pressure though!  Well, maybe a bit. 

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