Friday, February 17, 2012

Hanging with the Animals...

Tim spent his Saturday cycling 100 miles and Trent, Jake and I spent our Saturday at the L.A. Zoo.  I am pretty sure my Saturday was a lot less strenuous.  It was the perfect weather for a visit to the zoo.  It was a bit overcast and cool.  With this type of weather the animals were sure to be out and about.  This was Jake's first visit to the zoo, so Trent and I were so excited to so him all the animals.
Our first stop the Sea Lions.  
This Sea Lion was showing off for us.
  Cousins and Buddies!
 Cute Meerkats.
 Love the vibrate colors of the Flamingos.
 A lonely Elephant.
 A very big Condor.
 A very hungry jaguar.
 A Monkey.
 My Monkey!
 A huge Tortoise.
 Loved this Big Black Bear just relaxing up on the rock.
 A Mommy Tiger with her cute cubs.
After lunch Trent and Jake played at the playground.  
They loved posing on the animals.  Trent loves the seal.
A lazy Zebra.
 A Billy Goat high up on the ledge.
The Komodo Dragon was a must see for Trent.  
He really wanted to see it spit fire...I think that's only in the movies.
 Cute and cuddly Koalas.
What a great day we had at the zoo.
After the zoo we came home and the boys watched Star Wars and played Legos.  Again, what a great day.

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