Friday, February 17, 2012

Celebrating Grandpa's 85th Birthday

On Sunday, we headed up to Tehachapi to celebrate a milestone birthday for my Grandpa. My Mom arranged for friends of Grandpa's to join us for a yummy lunch at a local Mexican restaurant.
A cute smile from Jake and a not so cute smile from Trent.
 Justin and John too cool to sit with us...teenagers.
  Family and Friends
 Grandpa and his friend Mickey.
After lunch we went back to the house for cake and ice cream.  We were all stuffed from lunch, but of course, we could eat some more.
Trent played Happy Birthday on the piano.
 John played Happy Birthday on the sax.
The boys helped Grandpa blow out his birthday candles.
Even though it was quite cold out Trent roller-bladed around the cul-de-sac.
 Jake having fun on the skateboard.
 We had a great day celebrating Grandpa's birthday with friends and family.

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