Sunday, January 1, 2012


After a busy two days celebrating Christmas we were up early Monday morning to head down to Legoland.  Tim had the day off, so I figured we would take advantage of that and planned to spend the day at Legoland.  Trent has been wanting to go to Legoland since Spring Break, so when we told him where we were going he was so excited.  He has always loved legos, but recently has gotten really into them and loves creating battleships. Legoland recently added a Star Wars legos exhibit and I knew he would love to see that.
We were on the road by 7:15 a.m. (which felt so early) and arrived at Legoland at 9:00 a.m. Since Legoland didn't open until 10:00 a.m. we went to the Sea Life Aquarium first.  The aquarium recently opened maybe in the last year.  The sea creatures were beautiful and everything still looks so new.
Tim being nutty.
Tim pointing out fish to Trent.
A very active octopus.
 Building a legos sandcastle.
 Trent taking after Tim and being nutty.
 A smiling eel.
There were sharks swimming around.
I love seahorses.  They are such interesting creatures.
Trent being brave and touching a starfish.
Oh no the shark is going to get Trent!
After the aquarium we headed over to Legoland.  The last time Trent was at Legoland he was 3 and since Trent has a memory like an elephant he said he remembered somethings from his visit way back then. 
We started with building a race car and then racing it down the track.
Then we headed to Miniland USA.  I love this exhibit.
 The White House with the Washington Monument in the background.
 The Capitol
 New York City
San Francisco
  Trent with Darth Vader
 Trent was all smiles when he was walking around the Star Wars exhibit.  
He thought it was so cool. 
Trent with his pals Chewbacca and R2D2.
A jousting knight.
Tim and Trent went on a fun ride and tried not to get wet.
Tim was a bit scared.
Where did Trent go?
  The water might get them... 
 They escaped without getting too wet. 
All smiles.
Having fun with legos.
 They built their bionicles and now they were ready to battle.  
Playing a video game.  This day couldn't have been any better.
Love Trent's funny face.
 We cruised around the lake and saw some cool legos.
 Mt. Rushmore
 New York City
Tim and Trent pulling on the rope to lift them up and away.
They made it.
One big Christmas tree made out of legos.
 Having fun sledding and playing in the snow. 
  The last ride of the day was a fun one.
 Cutie pie!
We had a fantastic day at Legoland. The weather was perfect, the crowds weren't too bad and it was great to spend the day with my two best guys.

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