Monday, January 2, 2012

Who went camping? Tanya! No way!

Since we weren't up in Lake Arrowhead or out in Oxnard for the holiday weekend, we decided to go camping on New Year's Eve. Tim and I were throwing around ideas of what we could do and when he mentioned hiking up to Henninger Flats and camping for the night and I said that I would come along I don't think Tim could believe his ears.  Tim and Trent were so excited that I would be coming along on the adventure.  I had done part of the hike to Henninger before, so knew kind of what to expect.  I knew to expect it would be hot since we would be in the sun most of the time. There is hardly any shade, which at times can be brutal. We headed out mid-afternoon on New Year's Eve and slowly made our way up 3 miles to Henninger Flats.
The start of the hike.
 It was hot...slow and steady was key to making it up the mountain.
 Yay!  We made it!
The campground is really nice, has lots of shade and most importantly has flush toilets.  There were just two other couples camping, so we had plenty of room to spread out.  We enjoyed the sunset, made smores, watched a nature movie, played cards and I think I was asleep by 8pm.  
Mr. Hiker
 Me, Trent and Trent's doggy.
 Freddy loves to come along on the adventure.
 Enjoying the sunset.
 Beautiful sunset
 City lights
In the morning, me and Freddy hiked down the mountain, while Tim and Trent hiked 6 miles up the Mt. Wilson Trail to Manzanita Ridge and then back down.  They hiked a total of 11 miles on New Years Day.  I picked them up around 3:30 and they were exhausted.
Good Morning 2012!
 I am ready for the hike down.
 Trent along the trail.  He is such a great hiker.
I am so glad I went along on this adventure with my boys. I am still sore from the hike down the mountain, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. I have though made it clear to Tim that one night sleeping in a tent on the ground is my limit, but he seems to think I am joking.  I am not!

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