Thursday, November 3, 2011

Things I am Thankful For...

We have come into the season of Thanksgiving and even though we should recognize what we are thankful for all year long, Thanksgiving is a great time to reaffirm what we give thanks for. A few years back, I read the book The Ultimate Gift by John Stovall, which was a great book and reminded me that I have to recognize each day what I am thankful for.  In the book, the concept of writing down 5 things you are thankful for is a good way to begin your day. I did that for a few months and then one day I missed an entry and then another and before I knew it I had stopped completely...shame on me.  I think that if we remind ourselves daily of what we are thankful for we will have a better outlook on how the day will go.  Of course, sometimes no matter how positive and thankful your day starts, you can still have a bad day and that's ok.  We just have to remind ourselves that tomorrow is a new day and to reflect on the positives and to be thankful for what we have.
Things I am thankful for (in no particular order):
  God...because without him I wouldn't be here.
Tim...his love for me and Trent and that he works so hard to provide a great life for us.
Family...I can't live without any of them.

Trent...without him I wouldn't be whole.
Trent's smile.
Trent's laughter...hearing him laugh makes me happy.
My Mom...seeing her fight cancer gives me hope.
My Dad...he takes good care of my Mom.
My mother in-law...she loves spending time with Trent and she can never give enough.
My father in-law...his ability and love for long hikes, camping trips and bike rides with Tim and Trent.
My friends...they are there for me.
My's flexible so I can be there for Trent.
Modern has given us more time with my Mom.
Let's remember each day what we are thankful for!

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