Thursday, October 6, 2011

Splashing in the puddles

On Monday, I wore a tank top and shorts.  On Tuesday, it was a bit cooler, so I wore jeans and a t-shirt.  Then on Wednesday, it was pouring rain for most of the day and I had to pull out my rain boots and jacket to go with my jeans and t-shirt.  Seriously, this Southern California weather is bizarre. I don't mind the rain and I love the cooler weather, so the weather change was ok with me.
On the way to school Trent was telling me how he wanted to jump in the puddles when he got home. I am all for jumping in the puddles, but I had just given away his rain boots because they were too small.  I told him this and he said that's ok I can wear yours.  So, when we got home he put on my rain boots and happily jumped in the puddles. Now, I am on a mission to find Trent some new rain boots.
Trying to find the biggest puddle to jump in.
Our neighbors across the street usually have the biggest puddle.

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