Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Trent's treasures

Trent is becoming quite the hoarder with all his treasures.  He has a bucket full of treasures on his desk that he says he needs and can't get rid of.  Every few weeks we go through the treasures and we donate a few.  I don't like clutter, so the numerous treasures he finds overwhelms me, but I am trying to let him keep treasures that are special to him and donate the rest. Sometimes the treasures can be as simple as a rubber band from the floor at Home Depot (I throw those away as soon as possible) or a bouncy ball from the quarter machine...Trent sees most anything as a treasure, which I can't decide if that's good or bad. Everyday I look at the bucket of treasures and really have to control my urge to throw it all in the trash.  What stops me is the joy I know Trent's treasures bring to him and how he treasures each of his treasures.
Another "treasure" Trent came home with...nutty!  
Everyone needs a fake mustache.

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