Wednesday, June 15, 2011


There comes a time in your life when you realize just how lucky you are to have married the right one.  That time for me is now.  I have always known I was lucky because Tim is an amazing man and treats me so well. I also knew he would be a fantastic father and he has exceeded all my expectations in just 7 years.  Trent brings so much joy to Tim and you can see the love, joy, pride and so much more in Tim's eyes when he looks at Trent or when he talks about something Trent has done.  Tim and Trent share a special love for hiking and camping.  Tim started taking Trent hiking when he was about 4 years old.  Who knew that in just 2 1/2 years they would be hiking and camping in Catalina.  I am pretty sure Tim did.
When Tim told me that they were invited to go to Catalina for a few days, I was a bit unsure about it all.  Tim did his research (for about 6 months) and really had a great plan that would work well for him and Trent and made me feel comfortable about the trip.  I have to say I heard more about this plan in the last two months than I needed to, but I am glad Tim was prepared because it all worked out so well.  The week leading up to the trip they both were super excited.  Tim could barely contain his excitement and Trent just wanted to get over to Catalina and see the buffalo.
They set out on their adventure on Friday morning.  They took the ferry over to Avalon and everyone survived without getting seasick.  So far so good.  
Tim ready to get the adventure started.
 Ready to go!
 Leaving the port.
 Trent and Grandpa discussing important things on the way over to Catalina.
 It was cold and windy on the deck of the ferry.
 Catalina in the distance.
They got to Hypress where they would hike to their campsite.  It was a hard 5 mile hike.  Along the way they would see the much anticipated buffalo, which did not disappoint.  A buffalo made made it's way to get some water right along side the boys.
The starting point of the hike to Blackjack campsite.
 Trent ready to hike.
 Grandpa leading the way.
Father and Son making their way up the hill.
 What's that in the distance...a buffalo...a big buffalo.
 The buffalo saw them and decided to go off the path and around them.  
A wise choice.
 That's one big buffalo.
After a long day of hard hiking the group made it to Blackjack where they would set up camp for the night. Trent found a tire swing and had fun on that while Tim set up camp and made Trent dinner.
Grandpa and Trent
 Tim with the ocean behind him.
Having fun on the tire swing.
 Camp for the night. 
 Trent reading a bit before bedtime.
 Trent was one tired little boy.
The gang was up bright and early to start the hike to Little Harbor.  It was about a 7.5 mile hike.  They would hike to the airport for breakfast and then onto Little Harbor.  The breakfast at the airport was a disappointment for Trent.  He was expecting to get some pancakes, but all they had were bacon and eggs, which he was not going eat.  He settled for having a hot dog.
Trent setting off for the day.
 Gorgeous views from the hike.
 Grandpa and Trent
 From the Airport to Little Harbor.
 They made it!
 Trent making a sand angel.
 Trent with the big boys, Errol and James.
 My favorite picture!  To me his face says it all...peace, happiness, love and contentment.  I love this boy!
 Up above about 50 feet...Tim really didn't need to tell me that.
   Grandpa and Trent making their way down on their bottoms.
Beautiful sunset.
Sitting around the campfire telling stories.  Trent asked the group if any of them were thinkin' about their Mamas because he was.  The guys said they weren't but now they were and they would drink to that.  A minute or so after Trent said that I called and Tim said he didn't want to come to the phone and talk to his Mama.  He finally did and I loved hearing his voice.
Up early again the next morning to make the almost 6 mike hike to Two Harbors to catch the ferry back home.
Tim and Trent and in the distance below is Two Harbors.
They made it to Two Harbors with plenty of time to spare before their ferry left.  Trent was excited to eat a buffalo burger, but ended up just getting a regular hamburger.
The Gang!
 Playing a bit before getting on the ferry.
 On the way home to Mama.
 Leaving Catalina behind.
To hear the stories of their adventures was so fun and made my heart warm.  Trent is so lucky to have such an amazing Dad.  A big thanks to Tim's Dad because I know having his Dad on the trip made Tim a little less nervous about handling everything and he was happy to have his Dad along for the adventure.  I am one lucky girl to have such a wonderful husband and son.   

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