Thursday, June 23, 2011

Father's Day

We had a busy Father's Day weekend.  We started out with a birthday party on Saturday afternoon.  Then celebrated Father's Day with my parents by going to dinner at Wood Ranch. Oh my that was such a yummy dinner.  
Sunday morning started off early with a 6:50 call from Tim's brother reminding him that he needed to register for the Amtrak Century Bike Ride by 7:00 a.m. (Tim had completely forgotten). Tim quickly got up and tried to register only to find out that the site's server had crashed and registration would be at noon.  Ugh! There was no going back to sleep for us since we had to get Trent up and ready for Sunday school and church. Trent and I gave Tim his presents, which he was so excited about. We gave him a Team Garmin jacket and shirt.  He had been eying the jacket for awhile and since he can't pull the trigger on any big purchase I pulled it.
We made our way to church and then after church we were heading to the Dodger game. The whole family was going, including Tim's 85 year old grandparents. We made it to the game and had a great time.  Our section was even crowded, which it hasn't been all season.  It definitely wasn't a sell out, but it was more crowded than usual.  I didn't watch too much of the game because I love to people watch.  There are some interesting people who attend Dodger games...
Tim with his Grandpa and Dad.
 Trent's top two teeth are making their way down...
 It wasn't a very exciting game.  The score was 0-0 until the bottom of the 8th inning when the Dodgers finally scored a run.  
I was so happy that the game didn't go into extra innings.
After the game we made our way down to the field to play catch.  Like I said before, the game was crowded and everyone was staying to get onto the field. I am not a huge fan of crowds and being pushed every which way to get somewhere, especially with Trent by my side.  Tim and his brother got us in with minimal pushing and waiting in line.  The only downside was we weren't able to get Tim's grandparents onto the field.  There was no way they could have stood in line with the crowd, but we had hoped that security would have let them in once we were on.  Tim and his brother talked with security, but they wouldn't budge on letting them on the field without standing in the long line. My sister in-law did have luck and we were able to get all 13 of us on the field for a quick picture.
Playing catch with Trent on the field at Dodger Stadium...priceless.

 The Gang!
It was a great day!

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